Monday, July 8, 2013

Time for a game: Baby Animal Names

One of the challenges of a virtual baby shower is that it makes it a lot harder to play games, but we'll have a few here this week that hopefully we can have some fun with!  And I know you have internet, but no cheating by Googling the answers!  ;)

Baby Animals
AKA Who's Your Mama?

I'll give you the term for a baby animal, and you try to name the type of animal that it is!  

For example:  Puppy = Dog!

Here we go!

1.  Bunny

2.  Fingerling

3.  Cria

4.  Infant

5.  Spat

6.  Kid

7.  Chick

8.  Cygnet

9.  Joey

10.  Tadpole

11.  Ephyna

12.  Porcupette

13.  Whelp

14.  Hatchling

15.  Puggle

I promise, I'm not making any of these up!  Good luck, and post your best guesses!  The answers will be posted on shower day!  :)